On March 17th, 18th, and 19th, the hardworking CPS Drama department put on The Pirates of Penzance in the Buttner Auditorium. The 144-year-old musical was modernized to include a hoverboard and the Kardashians.
The musicians, actors, and drama techies spent months building and painting sets, memorizing lines, and practicing their singing and dancing skills, all culminating in last week's performances. The whole musical crew stayed on campus long after sundown following grueling school days to put together the performance, which detracted from their social lives and their ability to do homework. Inspired by the sports teams, Friday night was the first Senior Night for the musical, an opportunity to thank the soon-to-be graduating actors and drama technicians for their roles in the present and future of the drama department.
The Pirates of Penzance, as the name implies, is about a group of orphan pirates in leather jackets and tattoos, led by the Pirate King. Opposing the Pirate King is General Stanley, an aristocrat whose family dresses in pearls and colorful tracksuits, unlike the punk pirates.
The story is about Freddie, a previous member of the pirates whose apprenticeship ended recently. Mabel, the daughter of General Stanley, starts dating Freddie, and once the pirates call him back, Freddie has to decide between his love for Mabel and his duty to the pirates.
The musical itself was both breathtaking and hilarious. My favorite part was the set, composed of a brick wall covered in vines. Part of the stage protruded into the audience, allowing for dynamic views of the characters from different angles. My favorite part of the play was when the pirates entered Stanley Manor to attack General Stanley. After all the Pirates jumped over the wall, the Pirate King shattered a section of the wall with a motorcycle, which was unexpected and super unique for a set. It was wonderful to see our friends and peers singing and acting, and the live music was fantastic. Thank you to everyone who worked diligently to put the musical together!