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Seniors of CPS: Raquel S.

Raquel S., Senior – Interview conducted by Joseph Shelby

Tuesday, February 7th, 11:12: Walking around campus, I eagerly search for my next interviewee. As my eyes dart from the student commons to the library to the ping-pong table, I think to myself that all hope is lost. In a last ditch effort, I swing open the doors to the gym and there she is. I click record. “Welcome Raquel.” The interview has begun…


If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, which song would you choose?


Definitely Freakin’ Out on the Interstate by Bristan Maroney. It really just speaks to me. I don’t actually listen to any other Bristan Maroney songs, but I just really love that song.


Okay, so this is more of a song you like, but do you think it would turn into a song that you’d completely hate?


Potentially. I don’t have a very consistent favorite song though since I like change a lot, but I’ve really liked this song since the summer and it really speaks to me so...I have a playlist on my phone and it’s literally just three versions of that song: like the live, acoustic, and regular version. It’s a really good song


Is there anything about the song that you just really connect with?


Well, there’s a lyric. It says ‘I won’t be satisfied with anything I’ve earned,’ (laughs) and it just really speaks to me. It really hits, but potentially if I didn’t choose that song I’d probably choose something by Taylor Swift. I probably would get less annoyed with it.


Okay, that’s a pretty good answer. What is something unique about you that your classmates might not know?


When I was younger, I had a really big sewing phase. I went to sewing camp and I watched a lot of Project Runway. I also have a sewing machine, and I made a Halloween costume for myself when I was 10. I was just really into fashion and sewing when I was younger, which I feel is something people do not know about me.


I would say that’s a pretty cool phase to have. Would you encourage other people to get into it?


Yeah, if you have a longer attention span than me. I really like to make stuff, but I always start things and never finish them.


I think that’s for everyone though.


Also, another random fact that’s probably less interesting is I have the same birthday as my dad and my great grandpa, which is kind of funny. It’s also my grandparents’ anniversary.


Was this planned or something?


Nope, it’s all random except maybe my grandparents’ anniversary since they knew it was my dad’s birthday when they planned it. At this point, it’s all just a Sweet family holiday.


It’s cool that you managed to give me something people don’t know about you and something pretty unique. Alright, next question. Looking back at your experience at CPS, what is something you will never forget? So this could be an event, experience, memory, maybe people.


Yeah, this definitely just popped into my brain, but getting COVID after prom and just the whole experience.


Did it stick out to you because it was a bad experience?


No, it was such a bonding experience. With everyone being sick, but we were all sick together. It just felt kinda ironic.


Did you guys virtually hang out or something and what did you do?


Yeah, just over the phone. I don’t know. I slept a lot, ate a lot of popsicles, and watched a lot of movies with my friends on FaceTime, specifically Adam Sandler movies, like Happy Gilmore and stuff.


What are you looking forward to in the future? So this could be college, or maybe you’re doing something else, or maybe it’s something this year.

Raquel: Um…this is probably a bland answer, but I’m looking forward to traveling.


Okay, where do you want to travel?


That would obviously be the follow-up question. I think, like, every continent. I’ve been to Europe, Asia, and obviously North America. I haven’t been to South America, Africa, Antarctica, or Australia. I’m sorry, I’m just naming continents now.


Okay, if you had to choose one specific city/place that you’ve always wanted to go to, which would you choose?


I also want to go to Switzerland. Okay, now I’m indecisive. There’s something about Switzerland. I don’t know why; I just feel like it would be really pretty. I also think they’d have really good chocolate and cheese. Maybe also Australia or New Zealand. It would be pretty cool to scuba dive. Maybe Thailand too. I feel like those are some pretty solid answers.


Okay, so this is the last question. If you could say thank you to one room at CPS, which one would it be?


Definitely, (dramatic pause) the dance studio. I’ve spent a lot of time there. It’s a place that’s often warm, or cool. I’ve also used the dance studio for other purposes, like hiding during assassin. But yeah, I’ve had a lot of fun experiences in the dance studio.


Okay, if you had to give one specific memory, other than hiding during assassin, what would it be?


I mean, definitely, like, dance show or any performance I’ve been in at College Prep, whether it’s a dance show or musical. The dance studio is where you are backstage getting hyped up, doing your makeup, and getting ready to perform. It’s just kind of a fun, magical space where you can just focus on dance and forget about anything else. Yeah, and I love to dance, so thank you dance studio.

Joseph: All right, thank you so much for the interview.

Raquel: Yeah, it was awesome.

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