Idale S., Senior — Interview conducted by Araddhya Tibrewall
April 10, 2023: We meet at the bottom of the Hill staircase, and walk to a quieter space towards the bench outside the music building, away from the noisy lunchtime commons. Beautiful music spills outside, and we listen. I click record. “Welcome Idale,” and the interview has begun.
Araddhya: Hi Idale, what’s up?
Idale: Hello! Is that the first question?
Araddhya: No! So, if you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, which song would you choose?
Idale: Uh… a song? I’m currently obsessed with Taylor Swift, but I don’t know if have a specific song.
Araddhya: Any particular album?
Idale: All of them. I don’t know. *laughs*
Araddhya: What is something unique about you that your classmates might not know?
Idale: They probably know almost everything about me. Not very unique, but I play cello, and I also love to ski.
Araddhya: Where do you normally ski?
Idae: Tahoe.
Araddhya: Looking back at your experience at CPS, what is something that you will never forget?
Idale: I guess what’s on my mind is Intraterm. That was really a lot of fun.
Araddhya: Any specific one?
Idale: Oh, this most recent one. I was on the Canada Intraterm, and it was a lot of fun. We went on hikes, which I didn't particularly love, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. We went tubing, and we saw the northern lights. And I also got to spend a lot of time with my friends, which was amazing.
Araddhya: Oh wow! What are you looking forward to in the future? This can be college, your summer, you last few weeks here…
Idale: I guess I’m looking forward to continuing to spend time with friends. Um, and keeping in touch with them throughout college. I guess I’m also excited for college. I don’t kn0w.
Araddhya: A lot of independence?
Idale: Yeah.
Araddhya: Have fun with this one—if you could say thank you to one room at CPS, what would it be?
Idale: One room?
Araddhya: Yup, one room.
Idale: I guess maybe S3. I hate that room, it’s awful, but that’s where Dev. Bio is. And we saw zebrafish and frog embryos. And that was really fun, and that was in that room. I don't like the room, but I enjoy my classes in that room.
Araddhya: Cameron would love to hear about that! If there’s one word that you would use to describe your experience at CPS, what would it be?
Idale: Growth. That’s probably really cheesy, but yeah.
Araddhya: Thanks so much Idale!