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Blooming in the Background

While young minds at CPS foster new and exciting ideas, something else is sprouting up on campus: Linh’s beautiful garden! Some of you may have noticed a few little greens next to the faculty kitchen: if not, you should check it out! Linh’s put a lot of love into the new additions.

At the beginning of the year, with a new schedule and a fresh start, Linh started her garden, and learned a lot about the art of gardening in the process. She dove headfirst into the project. She even taught herself about square plot gardening, which is a nifty way of dividing up a garden into squares in order to keep it nice and organized.

Linh’s created an intermittent Common Classroom around her garden, which currently just entails feeding the lucky group of students, but she has bigger plans. In the spring, Linh’s planning on planting some new and exciting things and really establishing her garden as a fixture at CPS. Get ready for some spring veggies!

So go check it out! In the words of the legend herself, “you put stuff in the ground and then food pops up! It’s kind of a miracle.”

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